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Dongguan Electric Electronics Co., Ltd. is an enterprise focusing on research, development, production and sales of lithium ion button batteries. The company is located in Dongguan, Guangdong Province, which enjoys "World Factory". It has a team of professional and technical personnel with nearly 20 years'experience in the industry of lithium ion button batteries. Guided by the quality policy of "customer first, quality assurance, excellence and pursuit of excellence", production and quality control are organized in strict accordance with the ISO 9001:2015 quality system standard, and the quality assurance system is constantly improved and has passed the ISO 9001 system certification successfully. The company has a number of invention patents and new practical patents for button lithium batteries. The technical indicators of the products have exceeded IEC international standards, and passed UL, IEC, UN38.3, MSDS, ROHS and other certifications smoothly.

At present, the company mainly produces 3.6V lithium ion rechargeable button battery series. The main models are LIR 1054, LIR 1254, LIR 1454, LIR 1654, LIR 1654, which are exclusively for TWS Bluetooth headset. They are also widely used in smart bracelets, smart watches, smart wear and various digital products, instruments and instruments, such as LIR 2477, LIR 24450, LIR 2440, LIR 2050, LIR 2032, LIR 2025, LIR 016, LIR 1632, LIR 1620, LIR 1220. LIR 1025, etc.

Steady-footed, continuous improvement, after 15 years of brand accumulation, our registered trademark "LIDEA" brand has been recognized by the majority of customers.

"Do batteries well with responsibility and give back customers with gratitude" is our service concept. We always adhere to customer-centered, focusing on the latest developments in the industry, providing new solutions in the field of application, and solving customers'new demands for high-quality button batteries. We hope to provide excellent and lasting service to our customers with high-quality products and pragmatic attitude.

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